Tuesday 1 November 2011


Cindy: as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Score = 15 rounds plus 5 pull-ups and 2 push-ups

That's a new PR, which was previously exactly 15 rounds. I was worried my hip might be a problem with the squats, but I didn't feel a thing. Every squat was a2g. All the pull-ups were unbroken up to and including the 7th set (the whole of the first 2 rounds were completely unbroken). I got a good rhythm going with the kipping, plus I wore gloves today, to avoid ripping open my calluses from Saturday. The last 5 pull-ups were all singles. I was exhausted from the previous round, but I could see I was running out of time and I wanted to get at least 1 rep so I could PR. In the end I did better than I expected.


I rested 5 minutes before the next routine.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 dips
8 push-ups after each set
Time = 17:56

Today's time was a lot slower than before, which was 13:11. However, my shoulders were toast by this point. The first round of dips were unbroken, but after that they were pretty much singles. Also, none of the push-ups were unbroken, which isn't surprising considering I did 80 of them during Cindy.


Paul French said...

hah ya I wouldn't expect a good score on the dip thing after cindy, but nice pr on a cindy.

Common Sense Design said...

Fucking hell, I'm still tired - and it's 8:00pm! I've never been that exhausted after a bodyweight workout before.

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